Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swimming with toddlers

There is a little oasis down the road from the baby home - an upmarket safari lodge that allows the volunteers to swim for free. It's totally cheating - being able to duck down to the local pool is not quite as 'roughing it' as I had initially imagined!!

But the best part about the Arumeru lodge is that they also let us bring the children!! This week was the first time we took the babies...they LOVED it. We're taking them back again tomorrow, it's such a happy time, watching them splash about.

Here is a photo of Rahma and I (I'm on a role with my photo uploads's a miracle!!). Rahma is such a little mermaid, she loved going underwater, being swooshed around, and splashing about like a shiny angel (though she wee-ed on my leg while we were swimming, that wasn't QUITE so angelic!). The other photo is of Hope, Maria, Martin and Dorcas. Some of the other children weren't quite as enthusiastic as Rahma...though they really started enjoying themselves towards the end (and they loved the fanta we bought them - such a naughty treat!). Cannot WAIT to take them back tomorrow, as much for my sake as for theirs! :-D

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