Sunday, September 27, 2009

More on the children...

Tomorrow I will have been here for one month. So far my posts re the kids have been fairly scarce, mainly because I have been on the most ridiculous roller coaster of emotions, and the thoughts spinning in my head have been too crazy to publish!!

I'm so insanely besotted with Rosie that I don't even know myself. If the ridiculous adoptions laws here weren't so restrictive, mark my words, I WOULD be welcoming the new year in Brisbane with a toddler on my hip. Unfortunately this is not possible- I was initially told that the adoption laws weren'ts as restrictive as I initially thought but have since heard that that information was incorrect. I'm yet to research the legislative amendments myself - if it takes 2 hours to fail to download a picture I dread to think how long it would take to find and then download a PDF copy of the adoption act.

So now I must come to terms with the fact that I must leave this beautiful, smart, very special girl in November and I may never see her again. Urgh. It breaks my heart, makes me mad and I hate it hate it hate it!!!!!

What makes matters worse is that she loves me too!! She'll appear out of nowhere and start climbing all over me, even when I've made a concerted effort to stay on the opposite side of the room. And when I leave at the end of my shift she throws the biggest wobbly when I prise her little hands off me. I swear it - I am TRYING to keep my distance, but she hunts me down!!!!!! Why must I be so dang loveable!!!!! :-P

Anyway...the above summary of my state of mind doesn't even begin to cover it!!

In the meantime, as time passes, more and more little children are finding special places in my heart. There is a little boy named Lawassa (top photo)...about the same size and age as Rosie, and just as much of a monkey!!! (bottom photo is Rosie, Lawassa and I in a sea of babies).

He is a master in the art of mimicry - whether I cluck my tongue, blow raspberries, or do other bizarre noises...he copies the lot of them. It's SO CUTE!!!! And boy, does he giggle. I never before realised I could be so hilarious.

My other special little man is Dello.

He's really tiny, only 4 or 5 months old. He's always dirty because he's fed porridge even though he should be still on the breast. So the poor little man always spits up half his dinner. But he is SO sweet. He's got the gentlest little smile, and when you walk past him he starts flapping his arms like a little bird. OH I LOVE HIM!!!!!!! Unfortunately he loooooooooooooves being 'supermanned'. And I say unfortunate because I can't resist his smile so I do it often...but when I superman Dello I inevitably wind up with his dribble or porridge all over my face. MMM MMMM.

So there you have it - friendships that centre around kisses, cuddles, tickles, and raspberries. Pure joy!


  1. I don't even like kids but reading how happy they make you brings a lil tear to my eye!

    Thanks for the pics .. I know I love seeing them and seeing how good a time you're having.

    How ARE you doing though? Are you ok? Coping alright?

  2. Yes thank you darling, I'm doing really well. Happy, healthy, and having lots of fun. I have adjusted surprisingly quickly...the first few weeks felt like forever, but now I feel like time is slipping away from me!!
