Thursday, September 17, 2009


In the words of PeeKay (Power of One), 'The loneliness birds have laid eggs in my heart'.

Not really, I just said that for dramatic effect- but this morning was tough. I woke to see a text message from mum, advising that next year my sister is transferring to a tiny town, too far from Brisbane for me to walk to visit her (I guess that's one motivation to get my driver's licence!!).

Anyway, news of the transfer came as quite a shock to Jess - and I felt SO SO bad that I couldn't be at home to talk her through it. With mum in China, and me in Africa - all I could think was how lonely and stressed Jess must be. Thankfully I managed to speak briefly to her, but I was feeling a little lost and lonely after our chat and just wanted to be at home with her. I eventually composed myself, but when I went to turn on the stove to re-heat my leftover burnt pumpkin/potato/tomato mush for breakfast, I remembered that the [INSERT AS MANY EXPLETIVES AS YOU CAN THINK OF HERE!!] power was out again!!!!!

Unfortunately, my new housemates heard my colourful language, as did everyone else in Africa. After forcing down some COLD mush and stale bread, I tried to wash the dishes. But then I dropped the [EXPLETIVES!] crockery and caused a terrible mess of broken ceramics in the kitchen. Anyone who slept through the first tantrum certainly copped the second one.

I was conscious mid-tantrum of how ridiculous it was to throw a tantum about power and broken dishes when I am surrounded by 30 beautiful children that have such a difficult life ahead of them, who are so happy and delightful.

Unfortunately, however, sometimes the beast that is 'McMania' must rear its ugly head.

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