Sunday, October 4, 2009

McMania v3.0

The last few days have left me with an overwhelming feeling of boredom and frustration. I don't know if it's because I have just booked flights and accommodation for a safari, Zanzibar, trip to Dubai and to Phuket and therefore the wait for my next adventure seems excruciating, or if it's because I have a very bad dose of cabin fever. I'm thinking it's the latter.

Yesterday I was so irritable and grumpy...I literally COULD NOT remember ever liking it at the orphanage. I knew I was being irrational, because I could remember previously remarking to people about what a good time I was having. But I was SO over it that I wanted to wear earplugs and take off to a silent meditation retreat so that I could just be alone with my thoughts and not see or hear another living being.

The idea of working in the newborn nursery in the afternoon made me want to cry, because the looooong looong hours with nothing to do but change nappies and feed the screaming babies felt akin to torture (when just last week I was thinking what a wonderful experience it was to work in the newborn nursery, bathing and nursing the sweet, innocent babies!).

The other volunteers were a bit taken aback when at dinner time I announced that I was going to bed early and didn't want to eat the communal meal. Why? I SAID because I wasn't hungry. But in reality the thought of hearing another single word from any of the six other women I'm sharing the house with made me want to scream!

Crazy lady!!!

Anyway, I should count myself lucky that I lasted so long without going a little nutty. On the up side I'm feeling a little more composed today (or at least I acknowledge now that the concept of Rebecca McMahon attending a MEDITATION retreat where there is NO TALKING is a little on the crazy side!).

This afternoon Annemart and I are going 'go-karting'. Precisely what that means, where it is, or what sort of safety measures are in place is beyond me because the flyer we found is a little vague. What I do know is that it'll be a fun way to let off steam, and I am DESPERATE for such an opportunity!! Bring it on!

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