Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Home again, home again, Jiggety Jig

So I'm back now in Arusha, battling a stock-standard dose of post-holiday blues. Mum thought it was funny that I should be having post holiday blues WHILST on holiday - but as she said, it's all relative!!

The rainy season has just commenced. Yesterday in my desperation to leave the compound during my lunch break I stubbornly ignored the brewing storm clouds and traipsed over to 'the lodge' for a cappuccino. 5 minutes later I was stuck under the tropical umbrella by the pool in the middle of a storm. Once the rain subsided I had to slip'n'slide through huge fields of mud on the way home. Oops!!

With the rain, it seems the children have all had a growth spurt!! I arrived home from Zanzibar to find that Lawassa now has two teeth, where previously there were none; Dello can roll onto his belly and is trying very hard to crawl; the triplets Anja, Nina and Tessa can now crawl; and Rosie is HUGE with an extra tooth, and is strutting around using every available surface to support herself in her quest to walk alone. And I was only away for 5 days!!

Pictured: Me and my munchkins (Rueben, Musa and Lawassa). Work ain't so bad when you come home to this!! :-)

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